Monday, November 15, 2010


after a whirlwind weekend... i really REALLY didnt feel like cooking tonight. I thought id throw a little "meet ya somewhere for dinner" out to pete and he actually took it! We met at my FAVORITE restaurant Chile Verde (simply because its on his way home... not because its my favorite and id probably start twitching and rocking the corner if I didnt get it :)
ANYWAY - we met for dinner and Pete waits for a bit - then makes his big announcement....
He SURVIVED the layoffs! Battelle was going through a huge layoff process and had to cut about 120 people. We have had that hanging over our heads for a couple months now and finally its over. He couldnt believe I had called him to go out - because he wanted to go out and Celebrate! It worked out amazingly. We are so relieved and so very thankful to, at this point, still have a job. I must say, throughout the whole stressful process, we really enjoyed the fact that - though challenging, we were gonna know one way or the other where God wanted us to be. It was sortof a reassurance that this is where he wants us for now. Knowing that could all change in an instant, and being totally okay with it, here we sit... truly THANKFUL.

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